
About Linn

Linn received her education at Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance in Munich, Germany (2010-2013) and complemeted her studies at SEAD - Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance in Austria (2013-2014).

After the education, she was based in Germany for several yearsas a dancer, and has also been a returning artist in residence in Latvia ever since. She is currently based in Karlstad (Värmland) in Sweden. In her work of spreading the contemporary dance, she is a part of organizations aiming develop the cultural interest and establishment in schools, on the countryside and in health care.

The fundament of her practice descend from contemporary techniques such as release technique, partnering and improvisational work. Her background in hip hop and the interest for martial arts and couple's dancing, are clear influencers to her movement vocabulary. Linn is also schooled in jazz and ballet, and complementary to dancing, she is a student of the Alexander technique, DNS (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization), yoga and Olympic Weitghtlifting (Certified CrossFit trainer, L1).

Photo: PO Eriksson